Tuesday, February 28, 2017


It's rare that I get to post about a podcast from its beginning as it's being produced, so let's see how this goes.  So, I'll be following the podcast Rabbits and talking about it on the blog as new episodes are released.

My first blog-along! I feel like a real blogger now!

Carly Parker's best friend, Yumiko Takata, has gone missing.  Carly believes that she has gone missing because of her participation in a mysterious secret-society game called, in a roundabout way, Rabbits.  But, just what is Rabbits?  A recruiting tool for the CIA?  A super-secret club that runs the world from behind the scenes?  A method of uncovering the secrets of the universe?  No one has ever been able to track down previous winners since the game's first iterations in 1959, so it's difficult to tell what the aim of Rabbits is.  Whatever it is, the game has some pretty strict rules, and some apparently terrifying consequences for breaking those rules.

If you listened to TANIS or The Black Tapes, then you'll be familiar with the investigative-report-style used in this audiodrama.  The story is told through first-person narration of experiences and research and supplemented by interviews with other people  who are connected with the game or people who played it.  It's produced by the same group of people behind both, so the production is pretty high-quality.  Not only do you have some good voice acting, but there's background noise layered in under the narration to add audio-depth that emphasizes different parts of the narrative.  It's amazing what stock sounds can do for an audio production.

Since it's only the first episode, you only get a teasing taste of what's to come in the series.  Still, if it's anything like The Black Tapes and TANIS, you'll definitely want to subscribe to this one.

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